Plan Bravo

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No plan survives first contact. Turns out some plans never make first contact. One had better have a back up plan. Rain was not in the morning plans. Rain, however, did fall and leave quite a bit of wetness. Also, work at the part time job was not in the weekly plan, but they called yesterday so I have picked up a day this week. Also, Audra was supposed to make a trip to northern Virginia today to buy an incubator but the person called and rescheduled for Saturday. So, we are off to Plan Bravo. Grass mowing has to wait. Tilling and laying veggie beds (already behind) have to wait. We’ll pick up rocks (never ending chore) and lay out tomato plants. Due to the cloud cover, we can plant during the day and not wait until evening. Tomorrow will be spent at the part time job and then we will double efforts to complete the week’s plan. Audra will work on other tasks today and make a four hour (round trip) drive on Saturday. So plans go. The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. – Jamie 5/25/2020